Feelings in The Shadow 

Feature Development

"What a dreamer worthy of such a name was not told to grow up, at least once?" (J. Manari)

Written by Jay Manari

©2019-2021 ManarìFilmArts Productions

"Feelings in the Shadow" is a period drama/romance that unfolds the story of Peter Pan trapped in an unfair, modern-age, dystopia of Neverland, diminished into a circus of infamous and spoilt artists, who are slowly turned into the best-selling marketing tools.
Talented yet penniless writer, Peter works as an acrobat at Neverland Circus, managed by the chief clown, Mr. Smee, and owned by the billionaire advertiser Sir James Hook.
Narrated through the eyes of the first actress that ever-played Peter Pan, "Feelings in the Shadow" unveils the darkest sides of Peter Pan's original script, its alternative ending, and above all its drastic changes before its first appearance at the Duke of York Theatre on the 28th December 1904. 


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